We know the importance of public visibility for your brand growth. And here we are bringing tools that increase your brand visibility differently and multiply.

Event Link

An event link typically refers to a URL or hyperlink that directs users to a specific page or platform providing details about an upcoming event. This link may lead to an event page on a website, a registration page, or a dedicated event platform where users can find information such as date, time, venue, agenda, speakers, and registration details.

Shortened Link

A shortened link is a condensed version of a regular URL, created using a URL shortening service like Lifter Brand. These services take a long and complex web address and generate a shorter version that redirects to the original URL when clicked. Lifter Brand provides stats on top of it and makes it part of modern technologies.

File Link

File sharing will be easy now with lifter brand file sharing. Upload your documents and share your file with multiple people. You can protect it with a password too. We know how important privacy is.

Site Notification

A site notification, often referred to as a web notification, is a message or alert that appears on a user's web browser, typically delivered by a website or web application. These notifications are a part of browser-based communication systems and can be used to inform users about updates, promotions, news, or other relevant information.

Link in Bio

Lifter brand provides you the best Link in BIo generator with plenty of statistics which will help you lift your brand.
"Link in Bio" refers to the hyperlink typically found in the bio or profile section of social media accounts, such as Instagram or Twitter. Since these platforms often restrict users to a single clickable link in their profiles, users leverage the "Link in Bio" space to direct their audience to a web page containing multiple links.

QR Code

A QR code, or Quick Response code, is a two-dimensional barcode that stores information in a pattern of black squares arranged on a white background. QR codes can encode various types of data, such as text, URLs, contact information, or other forms of data.


No more old school. With the Lifter brand, make your paper business card digital. A vCard, short for virtual business card, is a digital file format used to store contact information. Typically saved with a .vcf extension, a vCard can include details such as a person's name, phone number, email address, job title, company name, and more. It serves as a standardized electronic business card that can be easily shared and imported into various applications, devices, and email clients.

Custom Domain

A custom domain refers to a personalized web address that a user or organization registers and uses for their website or online presence. Instead of using a generic link provided by our service (e.g.,, a custom domain allows you to have a unique and branded web address (e.g.,

Link Rotator

A link rotator is a tool or service that allows users to rotate or cycle through multiple URLs using a single link. Instead of having a static link that points to a fixed destination, a link rotator dynamically directs users to different URLs based on a predefined set of rules or a random rotation.

Funnel Page

A funnel page, also known as a landing page or sales funnel page, is a specific web page designed with the primary goal of guiding visitors through a sales or conversion process. It is a key component of a sales funnel, which is a series of steps that potential customers go through before making a purchase or taking a desired action.


Only Visibility is not enough you need to have the info of your clients coming from your public visible resources. Also to make sure you can follow up with them we have a few other tools. Do not just sit behind, change your game so that you are the rules maker.

Contact Manager

A contact manager is a software tool or application designed to organize, store, and manage contact information for individuals or organizations. The primary purpose of a contact manager is to facilitate efficient communication and relationship management by centralizing and categorizing contact details.

Email Broadcast

An email broadcast refers to a single email message sent to a large group of recipients simultaneously. Unlike automated email sequences that are triggered by specific events or actions, email broadcasts are typically one-time messages that are broadcasted to a predefined list of subscribers or contacts.

Auto Responder

An autoresponder is a feature that automatically sends predefined responses or messages to email contacts based on specific triggers or events. It is commonly used in email marketing to automate communication and engage with subscribers.

SMS Broadcast

A SMS refers to a single sms sent to a large group of recipients simultaneously. Unlike automated sms sequences that are triggered by specific events or actions, sms broadcasts are typically one-time messages that are broadcasted to a predefined list of subscribers or contacts.

New Feature Frequently

We’re always working on new features to add to our already extensive list. New tools are being developed every month to give you more ways to Lift Your Brand.